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那一天 與老砲友@egn8t3 應泰國網黃之邀 再度同台 一樣看膩的老二 一樣沒變的腹肌 一樣熟悉的味道 來台期間 網黃對在地棒子們的分流做的很好 額度、時間控管 相當到位 不然她真的會被狠狠幹死、幹爛 重複投胎輪迴的那種 有種下次不要有時間限制 來挑戰男推多打一阿!! (翻譯應該不會翻太準吧😅 Sponsored by @_Honeytipsy #網黃跨國交流# #陽台#
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Just 1 Day to #BeijingForum# 2024! 🎉 Co-sponsored by #PekingUniversity#, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, and the Chey Institute for Advanced Studies, the Beijing Forum has proudly celebrated 20 years of fostering dialogue and academic exchange. On November 1st, the 21st edition of the Forum will have its grand opening at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. Are you ready for this intellectual feast? Learn more at:
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Big streamer @LudwigAhgren says that America's Card Room refused to pay him out. He says it's his biggest regret in working with a sponsor and that they're a "dogshit site"
TYSM for joining our panel today! 🥹 Big love to my co hosts @Tokkitan and @Annjelife 💙 Ty @elgato for sponsoring the giveaway! Also, not to shatter your dreams or anything but... this is what I was actually wearing during the whole panel 💀 HAHA
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Excited to continue my partnership with PlayFame by giving away GC 25 million + 2,500 FREE Sweepstakes Coins! Sign up below for your chance to win! Catch my second stream today at 7pm CT on Twitch: #sponsored#
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Let's talk dick rates! Thanks for those who sent me dick pictures this morning! You're greatly appreciated! Sensored version will be posted on Youtube, so make sure you subscribe!
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Kyung Hee University is a global university in Korea, attracting 3,000+ international students from 100+ countries. Awarded the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education, Kyung Hee fosters global citizenship and contributes to a more peaceful world. #ad# (Sponsored by @kh_univ)
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