fourty seven people were alive😏😏😏😏😏🤐🤐🤐🤐🤥😍🥰😒🙄😬😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨🤭i still feel water inside of my blues hoping mother runs of they moving or two😗😗😘😘😘😘🤐😚😚😙🥲🥲🥲😋😛😵🥴🥵🥵living🗾🐕🐕🦮🍕🥨🫑🌽🌽🌽🥕🥔🤔🤔🤔🤩
2:13 dead internet theory is real edit: 3:22 yeah he is dead that's why he is in China and he is doing live streams iykyk 6:12 dead internet theory is real pt2
Bro in 2034 one of these little kids will become the president saying "Sigmas dudes gyat ohio Grimace shake Free robux if you yell loud as a wolf sigma boy"
The fact that adults made those videos is the craziest
Yeah, thats very crazy, including benjixscarllet who is literally 21 years old
I always wondered how they make these low effort type of contents
My nephew actually watches these videos
@@Egg.98 is he watching benjixscarllet?
I'm Gen Alpha, and I agree because it's brainrot. My eyes, MY EYES
Im tyrannosaurus and im dead so i had touch grass and then asteroid kill
I eat asteroids
@@Gorjus00 What the frick
heronbane so stong 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣rondo good massy poop. nat gaoob😈😈ronald got🐐(dead internet theory🥀)
bRo YOU DONT TAK ABOUT RONADO YY DONT WAN"T. MESSI WI me👺👺🤬🤬😞🤬🤬🤬😞😞🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬.
Those who know☠️❤🎉
@ thats know whos 🤣 messi dop dop yes skabati tameit
@@L3BRONS_BUMtoes hu no 💀💀🗿🗿🔥🗿🗿🎊🎉🎉
imagine when they grow up and see this (atleast they were in the video but at what cost)
gng lil kids always been leaving braindead comments 💔💔
For and look the😂😂😂😮😮
G1❤😅❤😅😂 roblox😢😢😅
No offense bro but you actually cannot be talking "gng"
Damn is😂🎉
The way 😂🎉
mando is now lando or this part the dead internet shit bro is not real
i cant spell i lowkey got hppd
It ain't mando
the first video made me question if life is worth living
Pregnant messi is CRAZY😂😂😂💀💀💀💀💀
poop this was my last away😅😮
"MOM IM FAMOUS" bro you have 7 likes
I will see you in one of LANDO's videos.
@@OfficialTree3 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂 those who know💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Dead Internet theory ahh
😂🎉ranaldo is cutie😢😮sigma bfn mineecaft is col😮😂😮
(Dead internet comment)
FIFA soccer kids try not to glaze Messi and Ronaldo challenge (level: impossible)
Dead internet theory
I’m so disappointed in my generation
same bro i am with you
1:34 shouldve done him with a hat, eyepiece, and a cup of tea along with the national bri'ish anthem.
Who hates like begs and brainrot?
👇 (dont like btw it’s a Joke guys)
I was going to comment "LIKE BEGGER" but after i read the whole i realised-
This generation is dissapointment.
This channel is not related to mando, it's just someone trying to be lando btw
0:55 bro I completely forgot abt entity 303 😭🥀
My favorite.
Same bro..
,,Damn is😂🎉" how a bot got yt into a new era
u are not mando 💀
dead internet theory
@@booger-III how am I a dead internet theory suspect
@matynicholas "bro is not mando" then you use that cringe skull emoji
@@booger-IIIOk mr "booger"
im losing braincells by the second
Ts pmo 0:15this new generation is cooked 🥀🥀
"ts pmo"
I like how you're saying this even though you said "Ts pmo"
@@Professional-Peanut-Eater fax ig
6:09 ain't no way
bro istg these lil gen alpha kids need to be stopped with these videos and comments
Signa boi😂😂😅😅❤😮😂
“Ox sign”
-Translate to English
Wusga id si❤❤❤😮😮😮 and the😅
Damn is 😂🎉🎉
@@MichaelAverySandifer nah I'm no bot
6:14 gen alphas trying create an word without saying "bro"
1:17 Godzilla really said “Atomic Shit”
Coming to this channel from Mando reminds me of that meme with two copies of Spider man pointing at each other.
these comments are dumber than the romanian elections
Your channels name reminds me of someone...
Lando Norris!?
3:34 bro spammed more emojis than emoji challenges 2:58 DUMBEMOJI🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥 5:09. Bro these bots are persons with 40 ages for get kids accounts(no jokes)
"bro spammed more emojis than emoji" 🫥
@@durumludomates i say these videos that say[SpAm OnLy rEd eMojIs] and its comes with the autoclicker guy
Herobrine more like I’m about to take herion 🗣
heroine haha
it's so interesting to see little kids/robots say stupid stuff in comments tbh
😂😂 I'm 😂🎉😊😊
One spotted
@@LeastNationalistPole Major child spotted on the north east
It makes my blood boil
We are not robots you cannot judge a whole genaration based on the 1%
I have ipad but im not brainrot like those kids even though im 9
Parents need to stop taking their iPad because they losing your brain cells
who let bro snuck in😔😔🥀🥀
3:34 no shit bro😔😭
Who is young sheldon? We have young skibidi 2:01
That’s what kids today will say
Dead internet theory
Who give this Orpthan a phone
I sub ur channel it's awasome (im 13 not a ipad kid btw)
I had samsung/android tab but i dont want ipad because ipad is super dangerous to me but i dont like brainrot, r34, rude things, etc
2:42 why is this wholesome tho
7:50 wait till he hears about Btools.
*add fire affect*
What’s btools
@@Countryball2022-2 a item used for building
@@Countryball2022-2how do you not know….
Most of the images dont even is like the comment bru-
Maybe cuz most of them if they were real all of them will be kid pictures 😭👉👈
Ronald McDonald is goat but if respect Messi click right here 🗿🍷
Sgna boi☠️🫱🫱🫱
@@MichaelAverySandiferI’m not a bot, I was just making a satire joke referencing a comment from the video.
@@NBladeYT alr
Tiktok CANNOT go 💔🙏
I know of Mando but here this is Lando 😂
Bring 😢😢phon
@@Lwawwnigga what
The if someone 😮🎉🎉
fourty seven people were alive😏😏😏😏😏🤐🤐🤐🤐🤥😍🥰😒🙄😬😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨🤭i still feel water inside of my blues hoping mother runs of they moving or two😗😗😘😘😘😘🤐😚😚😙🥲🥲🥲😋😛😵🥴🥵🥵living🗾🐕🐕🦮🍕🥨🫑🌽🌽🌽🥕🥔🤔🤔🤔🤩
When the da binky minecraft epstein island rp hit😈😈🧹🧹🧹🧹🧹7
Those who know 👇💀💀☠️🎉🎉
The us is ❤😅😅😊
WKs Van Cool😮😮😮❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Is this a joke?
@@TNflowersnowers those who know😈😈😈☠️☠️😂😂😂👇
Damn Is😊🎉
Bro is 5yo
@Aha5653ch. Its a fu@king joke
@Aha5653ch. dont dare you to disrespect my skibidi ohio sigma gyatt venom taxx saar😡😡😡
You're 5 years old
@Aha5653ch.Damn is 😂🎉
Ts is the reason why I rarely watched RUclips
Za 😂😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉😮😮😢😊😢😊😊🎉🎉😅😅😂 thies keds 😂😂😂😅😅😅😢🎉🎉 broh so fonny 😂😂😂😅😅🎉🎉🎉😮😮😮😢😢
Dead internet theory
I literally lost 67437634762467246743764276427878327832782378 braincells while reading these comments
Content farms are so cringe theses days
No, gen alpha kids should not be stopped. They fucking rule!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD :333333333333333333
You are NOT Mando lil bro
5:07 greedy ahh 😭
5:27 why tf are kids so greedy
2:13 dead internet theory is real
3:22 yeah he is dead that's why he is in China and he is doing live streams iykyk
6:12 dead internet theory is real pt2
Happy 1K Subs
6:13 You forgot to censor the second F word.
There are bodys buried in my lawn😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂🎉❤❤❤😢😢😮😅😊😊
2:11 bro fell he is only like billionaires,😭🙏🥀
Hushs 😂😂 I 😂😂😂😂😂 wlw. Nau
even these shorts needs to be stopped
Bro in 2034 one of these little kids will become the president saying
"Sigmas dudes gyat ohio Grimace shake Free robux if you yell loud as a wolf sigma boy"
Damn is🎉😂
Edit: wow 1 like crazy
Edit: 2 likes?!?!?!!?! Wow!!!
Edit: 3 likes holy smokes
Yox hi my friend ❤❤😂
Mrbeast reacted to this 💀
Where are you making edits on this brain rot comment
1:16 not gyattzilla 😭💀
Blatant mando clone
"Gyat" in the big 25🪫
get out
@@L3BRONS_BUM”in the big __” in March 2025🥀
Ronaldo sigma 😆😆😆😆😆Messi 😱😱😱 if 20
I think Lando is Mando's brother or alt account of Mando idk (Edit: he isn't mando's alt account)
No there's no alt of Mando, he confirmed it
@TheHistogeo oh my bad 😓
"😂😂❤❤😂😂😂😂😂😮😂😮❤😅❤😅❤😅😂😂😮❤😅❤😅😂😢😂😢😢🎉😮😂😅🎉😮🎉😮😂😅😂😅🎉😮🎉😮🎉🎉" Lookin ahh, ts pmo fr🥀💔👿
My veiny dih aint tearing up white liquid🥀🙏
: |
Stop it, get some help (or you might end up on this type of videos, but who knows? You could get "famous")
@FlorSara-g7xi think this is what this guys tryna do hence the beginning
@@lilemeres yah i know .-.. .
Dih internet theory 🥀
1:16 "lvl 800 gyatt"
-brainrot kid
Woiw so brairot videe 😢❤❤❤😢😢😮😅😅😅😅😮🎉🎉😂🎉😢😢😮So nocre simga
I hope both sides of your pillow are warm tonight
@TheMimicIsLifeBruh Yes they are! It's very comfortable to have both sides warm, it means it is VERY comfy!
Every now and then, I remember that this guy joined in 2007...
I mean he's an OG 💀
You didn't buddy
Even though i like watchin skibidi toilet the brain rot is actully from the original series is from the community
bacon is stormg and green jacker poop 1x slender locver 😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😂😂 (This is A Joke)
What 🎉😂is😅
Dead internet theory
Bro IS Steve IN REAl LIFE LIKE FOR SEED | 💀😱💀😱💀😱😱💀😱💀😱💀😱💀😱
Sigmalstar brod 😢😅😂😊🎉😮❤😊
wrong spot for fire godzilla
edit: pls post more i saw every vid
u no.respsct bacon 😡🔪😡🔪😡🔪😡🔪😡🥓
the cring my brain He will retire from cring.
my man is NOT mando
Ronaldo is fish and poop 😂😭
🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 rief div mes goa 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
(Dead internet theory real)
imagine if there was a PE teacher here rn lookin at this video
6:36 bro thats a good edit you can’t put that image in I would understand if it was a brainrot video
Damn is ❤😂 signa vidoe 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Bro can never be Mando good attempt at copying his editing style though
bro stop acting like ur the smartest human being, they are kids what did u expect?
@@L3BRONS_BUM SYBAU? Bro thought he did sum 💀 bot. 🥀
@@كرستيانو_رولاندو lmao he is just like me username
@@كرستيانو_رولاندو bro are a npc💀
Most of them are literally kids and bots, little kids shouldn't be on RUclips shorts but on RUclips kids.
Bro Is Not Mando
So funy😂😂😂😂😂😂 i are no bray an rot 😢😢😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😈🎉🎉🎉🎉
"LANDO" bro Ur not him 🥀
He's not even gonna see this lil bro
What does the rose emoji even mean bro 🙏😭
0/10 ragebait 🪫
He is mando and lando 😂🎉
why so mean LANDO ur username is made by a kid
Get out
@@angelfoy4945 bro we left get out in 2024
@@كرستيانو_رولاندو it’s 2025
@ no get out was in 2024
@@كرستيانو_رولاندو you said we got left out in 2024 like what does that mean
4:48 ik its a scam look
No way those people are real
I wopeers you😂😂😂 aut😢
My brain vro😭🙏🏾
Anit-furry and anit-brainrot i'm not brainrot no more brainrot